We are All Made of Stars: A Metaphor for Exploring the Greater Whole Beliefs Subsist In


  • Carlos Nicolas Gomez Clemson University


Beliefs, Teacher Preparation


Beliefs influence prospective teachers’ decision-making processes as they resist or accept the curriculum developed by teacher educators. Beliefs of prospective teachers have been considered in a variety of way. In this essay, I develop a metaphor for how beliefs are held based on previous metaphors by Green (1971) and Korthagen (2004). Through this thought experiment, I demonstrate the power of the galaxy metaphor and the possible benefits for researchers. I focus on the use of a hermeneutic lens and the galaxy metaphor to demonstrate how looking at beliefs differently can enhance our consideration of beliefs in teacher education curriculum. Implications of the galaxy metaphor for teacher educators are discussed.

Author Biography

Carlos Nicolas Gomez, Clemson University

Carlos Nicolas Gomez is an assistant professor of mathematics education in the department of teaching and learning at Clemson Univeristy. His research focuses on teacher development by investigating emotional experiences with becoming a mathematics teacher.


