She Blinded Me with Science

Post-Curriculum and the New Scientific Education



Curriculum scholarship provides the engagement with curriculum differentiation that has defined the field since its inception. Mainly, curriculum scholars shift from the role of science as arbiter of truth to the politics of truth, as science becomes a target of ideology critique. “Post-curriculum” is a place of radical questioning about the guarantees of a traditional science of curriculum. We explore a “new scientific education” not as a rejection of scientific thought and method as much as an assertion of the centrality of skepticism to the scientific endeavor itself. New science recalls the anti-traditionalism of science in the Enlightenment, and post-curriculum is a place of ambivalence that marks a new intellectual place from which to theorize curriculum scholarship’s relationship with science.

Author Biography

Zeus Leonardo, Graduate School of Education , University of California , Berkeley, USA

Zeus Leonardo
Graduate School of Education
The Critical Theory Designated Emphasis
University of California
2121 Berkeley Way
Berkeley, CA 94720-1670
Author of Edward Said and Education (Routledge)     
Author, with W. Norton Grubb, of Education and Racism: A Primer on Issues and Dilemmas, 2nd Edition (Routledge)   Pronouns (he/him)


