Curricular Hauntings

Confrontations with Ghosts in Pursuit of a Place of Freedom


  • Hannah Edber Mercer University


Drawing from theories of racial and historical hauntings (Derrida, 1993; Gordon; 1997), affect studies (Ahmed, 2014; Berlant, 2011; Coleman, 2021; Stewart, 2004), the spaciocurricular (Helfenbein, 2021) and theorizations of agential assemblages (Barad, 2007; Wozolek, 2021), this paper explores possibilities for recovering solidarities, collectivities, and freedoms through considerations of place, history, and poetry. In particular, this paper will examine readings of place and poetry as curricular and methodological tools that resists narrative closures and help us stay with the remains, the uncertainties, and what cannot be spoken–the stories that “cannot be passed on” (Morrison, 1987, p. 274). In doing so, I hope to follow the call of postqualitative research to “engage more fully with the materiality of language” (MacLure, 2013, p. 663) and the work of im/possibilities in language and literature education in orienting ourselves to more just futures, and to each other.


