Vol. 34 No. 1 (2019): Special Issue - The Curriculum of Disability Studies: Multiple Perspectives on Dis/Ability

					View Vol. 34 No. 1 (2019): Special Issue - The Curriculum of Disability Studies: Multiple Perspectives on Dis/Ability
In this special edition, we invited scholars from the fields of Curriculum Studies and Disability Studies to present work about the curriculum of dis/ability. The scholars featured in this special edition have taken up the call in a variety of ways, including auto-ethnographical reflection, analysis of existing curricula, arts-based theorizing, and reflections on classroom interactions. Through these works, we offer not a prescriptive approach to infusing Disability Studies into Curriculum Studies (or vice-versa), but rather an invitation to our readers to theorize through intersectional and interdisciplinary lenses. 
Published: 2019-03-08

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